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How to get there We stumbled across this beautiful waterfall when researching on Google Maps! This is the second water fall we have come to at Pacific Harbor. You can Google Map “Waterfall near Villa Tinikatolu” to get to the area where this is. We would recommend taking a guide from Pacific Harbor and seeking permission from the villagers beside the road leading to the waterfall. You will need to take the right turn off Queens Road (travelling from Suva) to the dirt road before the Nanuka airstrip at Pacific Harbor. Look for “Nanuku Aerodrome” signage. From the main road the waterfall is approximately a 15-minute drive. We got off our truck and walked for approx. 40 minutes to get to the falls. The road is rugged and the chances of getting stuck high. If you have a good vehicle, you would be drive up to the washed off Irish crossing which is approx. 200 meters from the waterfall.

What to bring We recommend wearing comfortable long sleeve shirt and pants for this hike. The trails are nonexistent and overgrown with thorny bushes. We would also recommend wearing proper shoes as the road is muddy at parts and slippery. Needless to say, that Navua is often wet

What to expect on the hike? Once you get to the washed off Irish crossing you will need to hike to the waterfall. The waterfall is approximately 500 meters from the crossing. This is a straightforward hike to the top of the fall. The track leading to the base of the fall is slippery and a fall can be injurious

The waterfall The waterfall is in two stages with the first stage leading to the second stage. The flow of the fall is gradual with the top to the base of fall being between 60-90 meters

How can we help Hit us up if you need directions or a guide to the site. We are adventure seekers and would love to help fellow adventurer

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