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How to get there To get to the falls you need to drive to Nananu village on Naseyani Road, Yaqara. Alternatively, you can drive to Naseyani Village and ask for directions. You need to go to Nananu Village and ask for permission from the villagers to go visit the waterfall. This is not a tourist attraction site and permissions need to be sought. It is approximately a 3 km drive from Nananu to the waterfall. Nananu village can be accessed via a four-wheel drive vehicle. The road from the village to the waterfall maybe eroded and you need to hike to get to the site of the falls. There are existing trails to get to the falls from the dirt road. You will be water crossing the Naseyani river and her upper tributaries. The creeks maybe inaccessible during periods of heavy rain

The bottom fall leading to the stream which eventually turns into Naseyani River

What to bring

We recommend wearing comfortable long sleeve shirt and pants for this hike. The trails are somewhat overgrown with thorny bushes in some areas. We would also recommend wearing proper shoes as some sections of the road and the waterfall maybe slippery

What to expect on the hike?

This is a straight 1km hike if you can get close to the site weather and road condition permitting. There are existing trails to access the top and the bottom sections of the fall. You can use either track. The top track leads to the fist top section of the fall whilst the second lower track to the base of the second fall. We would not recommend walking from the base of the top fall to the base of the second fall due to slip and fall hazards associated. Follow the track around to get to the base

The waterfall The waterfall is in two stages with the first stage leading to the second stage. The flow of the falls are gradual. The second section is a straight fall through a vertical rock face leading to the bottom. There are water springs just above the waterfalls which form the basis of the creek. The water springs are the water source for the villagers

How can we help Hit us up if you need directions or a guide to the site. We are adventure seekers and would love to help fellow adventurer

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