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How to get there Plan a weekend adventure with friends and family to Savulelele Waterfall in Ra. Amongst the best waterfalls we have seen in Fiji, Savulele falls is approximately 70M high. Savulelele falls can be accessed from the Kings road A few kilometers past Waimicia, (Nalawa Police Station) along with the Ra stretch of the King’s Highway, a “Savulelele Waterfall” billboard points used to point you to a road that crawls up to the province’s pasture-rich hinterland. The sign is now gone. Feel free to ask the locals along the highway. From here, 25 kilometers of dirt road travelling will lead you to Nabalesere, a picturesque village perched on rugged mountainous terrain. We recommend a pickup or SUV to go on the dirt road as the road can be a bit rough!

What to bring You will need to present your sevusevu to the village. Once to get to the parking spot at the village someone with a Bula smile will be ready to welcome you to the village hall. A sulu/sarong is required to enter the village. Please be mindful of traditional protocols of visiting a village, remove your hats and be respectful with a big Bula smile!. You will be required to pay a fee per person to visit the waterfall. This fee may range from FJ$ 20-30 per person. Be generous, do not bargain!

Hike to the water fall and what to see along the way The hike to the fall takes 20-30 minutes and is approximately 1.5km from the village.Expect to see a few native birds (we saw at least 2-3 Peales pigeons- endemic to Fiji), other bird enthusiasts have reported seeing the famous Fiji Peregrine Falcon that nest at the waterfall. The Peregrine Falcon can be seen on our two dollar coin. Fiji has only a small population of less than a 100 pairs of Peregrine Falcons. Fiji’s Peregrines are restricted to nesting sites on large cliffs. We also saw a Masked Shining Parrot along the walk to the falls Masked Parrots are endemic to Viti Levu. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical moist lowland forest, subtropical or tropical mangrove forest, subtropical or tropical moist montane forest, arable land, and rural gardens. This species is threated by habitat loss

What to expect at the falls To be absolutely amazed!The trail and the rocky sections leading to the fall maybe slippery so be carefu. lExpect your guide(s) to start shouting once reaching the foot of the falls. The waterfall is sacred and the shouting is to alert the guardians of the place and tell them visitors have arrived. Expect your guide to tell you the myths and legends of the village and her people.We recommend go to the site in the morning as you may expect rainfall in the afternoons (though not always)

How can we help Hit us up if you need directions or a guide to the site. We are adventure seekers and would love to help fellow adventurer

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