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How to get there Nested in the tropical highlands of Namosi lies her beautiful mountain ranges with magnificent views. Amongst many mountains overarching the beautiful Namosi is the village of Waivaka. Waivaka village is within a 2-hour drive from Suva taking a right past Nabukavesi Village after Wainadoi, ask for directions if you get lost but we bet you won’t! This hike is recommended for a group of 3 or more. You can also get to Waivaka from Sawani via the Nabukaluka road. We travelled to Suva using the Nabukaluka road for a quick early dinner before heading back to the West. It is recommended to leave early and be at Waivaka before 8am. The whole experience in the wilderness takes ~3-5 hours to complete. You can Google Map for directions to the village and you can ask for directions from the locals in case you get lost

What to bring We recommend wearing comfortable shorts or pants for the hike. You do have to go to Waivaka village first before the guides take you through the trails to the waterfall. For entering the village, you need to follow standard village protocols including, no hats within the village boundaries, not short skirts (highly recommend bringing in a sulu), no wearing of shoes inside the homes you get invited into and avoiding speaking loudly within the village boundaries. These are just our guidelines; you must consult with your contact at the village for a detailed list of protocols. The tracks when we did this were newly cut and were not very well defined, we thus recommend proper hiking shoes.

What to expect on the hike? There is a beautiful swinging bridge that you need to cross to get to the road leading to Domoika trails. You must be a bit careful on the swinging bridge as some sections need repair and may pose as trip hazards. This is a simple 1–2-hour hike, depending on your fitness to the first level of the waterfall. The trails were overgrown in certain places and quite slippery (we also must say, we did this on a rainy day). The trail goes past village farms and you must be careful not to step on plants (small Yaqona, pawpaw, etc.) The trail section just before the waterfall is technical with multiple trip hazards. We recommend going slow and seeking help from the guides if you are not comfortable. We had a couple of falls along the way

The waterfall We have been chasing waterfalls for years now, this was one of the best we have seen so far. The fall is in stages and you need to climb along the side of the first section through rocks and boulders to get to the second and third levels. We recommend this only for the experienced hikers and rock climbers. Our guides picked up a few prawns from the creeks nearby to take photos with, I must say we left the prawns back in the water when we left. The hike back to the village was slow and trickly. Certain sections are a bit technical, and you be careful when crossing water ways

Back at the village Back at the village we were greeted with a hot traditional Fijian meal. The meal included various styles or rourou (dalo leaves) and ota, we also had our first taste of the local tea prepared from the root and stem sections of a plant and infused with lemon leaves.

How can we help Hit us up if you need directions or a guide to the site. We are adventure seekers and would love to help fellow adventurer +7

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All reactions: 2020

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